Help me choose my indoor bonsai tree

Are you struggling to find which indoor bonsai species would be most suitable for your home or office?

Struggling to find the perfect indoor bonsai for you?
Not sure which variety would best suit your lifestyle?
‘Help Me Choose My Indoor Bonsai’ is a quick questionnaire designed to find the ideal bonsai variety for you! We have designed this simple questionnaire to take into account what your home is like in terms of warmth, light and your available time, in order to make recommendations as to which indoor bonsai may suit you best.

When buying a bonsai, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you select a healthy and suitable tree. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
  1. Species Selection: Research different bonsai tree species to find one that suits your preferences and matches your skill level. Consider factors such as size, leaf type, growth characteristics, and whether it is suitable for indoor or outdoor cultivation.
  2. Nebari (Root Exposure): Examine the nebari, which refers to the visible spread of surface roots at the base of the tree. A bonsai with a well-developed nebari gives the impression of age and stability.
  3. Bonsai Style: Consider the style you prefer for your bonsai, such as formal upright, informal upright, s-shaped, or something else. Choose a tree that possesses the inherent qualities and potential to achieve your desired style.
  4. Age and Maturity: Determine if you prefer a younger bonsai to develop and train yourself or a more mature bonsai that already exhibits the desired characteristics. Older bonsai trees may have more refined features but come at a higher price.
  5. Care Requirements: Understand the care needs of the bonsai species you choose. Consider factors such as watering frequency, sunlight requirements, temperature tolerance, and fertilisation needs. Ensure you can provide the necessary care to keep the bonsai healthy and thriving.
  6. Budget: Set a budget based on the quality and size of the bonsai you desire. Keep in mind that older or more established bonsai trees tend to be more expensive due to their development and refinement.
  7. Personal Connection: Choose a bonsai that resonates with you on a personal level. Consider the emotional appeal, aesthetics, and the connection you feel with the tree. A bonsai that speaks to you will bring greater joy and satisfaction.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and select a bonsai that aligns with your preferences, care abilities, and long-term goals. Remember, bonsai is a living art form, and your dedication and nurturing will contribute to its growth and beauty over time.