Unique, Eco Friendly Birthday Bonsai Gifts for Him & Her.

Unique, Eco Friendly Birthday Bonsai Gifts for Him & Her.
People are becoming more aware about choosing environmentally friendly gifts and presents with little impact and sustainable beauty.
Bonsai are living trees which are natural, artistic and make stunning & unusual gifts for men and women. An unusual present for him or her which is eco-friendly and quite literally green. Many people purchase bonsai as gifts for vegans, animal lovers or someone who appreciates something which is natural and beautiful.
A bonsai is a unique gift for every occasion. They are perfect for any event such as birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, births, wedding or memorial and retirements.

With the gesture of gifting a bonsai tree, not only are you surprising friends and family with spectacular presents you are also being eco friendly and responsible. All bonsai trees are shown to be effective in carbon absorption (binding atmospheric carbon which is responsible for climate change) and aids in the fight for Clean Air. For instance, the Jade Tree, or “Money Tree”, is extremely efficient at absorbing more carbon from the earth’s atmosphere than most other plants; this variety also has a beautiful meaning of good luck and prosperity. Thus making them the perfect, unique eco friendly birthday bonsai gifts for him & her. You are able to add accessories (if they are not already included), making them a fantastic beginners gift.

All bonsai symbolise different things and may remind you of different people in your life.
The Chinese Elm symbolises inner strength, intuition, wisdom & love; I would gift this variety to my dad.
The Oriental Tea Tree symbolises courage & heart, love & devotion; I would gift this variety to my mum.
The Roseapple Myrtle symbolises love, good fortune, long life & joyful living; I would gift this variety to my children.